Dr. Robert McCoy '70 "Shakes Up" CCHS Students

Earlier in the week, several of our students here at Central Catholic participated in some unique opportunities. On Wednesday (Sept. 30), Dr. Robert McCoy gave an educational presentation over Zoom to more than 40 Central Catholic students.  Dr. McCoy is a Central graduate (class of 1970).  He is also, without a doubt, one of the most influential scientists in the world. 

Dr. McCoy is the head of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska.  This institute is one of the leading research centers on volcanoes.  (Alaska has 56 active volcanoes!)  The institute is also one of the leading research centers on earthquakes.  (Alaska has more than 50,000 earthquakes annually!)  The institute is also at the front of climate change studies.  (After all, they are in an environment where it’s possible to study ice cores, permafrost, and measure sea ice.)  Also, the institute is currently designing drones that are used to take aerial photographs of wildfires. 

One of the topics that Dr. McCoy always loves talking about the most is the Northern Lights.  That’s something that many of us here in south Texas are curious about.  In short, Dr. McCoy and his team are making modern discoveries in science and technology that are relevant in the world today.  Science teachers will be teaching about these discoveries within the next few years, for sure!


On Thursday (Oct. 1) Mr. Bendele hosted a Star Party over Zoom.  There were about 25 young men who participated in the event. 

On a “typical” year, we would have had a star party in person, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to maintain social distancing.  Nonetheless, within a short period, Mr. Bendele was able to show the students in attendance how to find Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Scorpius, Arcturus, Vega, and Altair from their driveways.  On that particular night, the boys were also able to see the always-impressive Harvest Moon.

Harvest Moon 2020
