Guardian Angel News

A very special “THANK YOU” goes out to those who donated blood last Wednesday at our blood drive.  We had 26 donors!

We also want to thank those of you who went out to Chicken N Pickle (on UTSA Boulevard) last Saturday to donate blankets for the “Wrapped in Love” drive. These blankets will be delivered to children with cancer and will definitely come in handy during long blood infusion treatments (which can last upwards of 5 hours). 

There will be another fundraiser coming up at the Chicken N Pickle.  This time it will be in support of Habitat for Humanity. 

In addition, we are also in the middle of another drive to support an organization called “Love Purse.”  We will be collecting toiletries all of next week.  If you have toiletries that you would like to donate, please drop them off in Mr. Bendele’s room (252).  Travel-size toiletries would be perfect, but we’ll take any size!
