Entering Service Learning Hours into Aeries

Dear Student and Parent(s), The second half of our school year is in full swing and will be coming to an end sooner than we think. I want to offer some encouragement and some important information regarding service hours.

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.  - James 1:22. 

God’s word is clear that we are called to “love one another” and here in James we are asked to follow that word in action or we are fooling ourselves. It can seem a little rough what James is saying but it’s more a reality check. What we are called to do is so vital to each other, and the mission of God for us is an action. To miss a chance to do this is really a disservice to ourselves and the missed opportunity to share and experience the love of God. Saying this all to encourage that the service we ask every student to perform is not just to fill a requirement but to serve a living God and take into action the word of God by loving those we help.

The due date for all service hours is: Monday, March 28, 2022

Here is helpful information and a reminder for students who are continuing to work on these hours. Our goal is to ensure you meet the yearly service hour requirement.
  • The “Christian Service Verification form” link is used to upload proof of service of each log entry, a picture of you performing service, or a document from the organization you worked with suffices. The link also has step-by-step instructions to navigate and log service hours in Aeries.

  • Second, the “Aeries Service Learning Instructional video” link is a video that walks you through how to navigate the Aeries Service Learning tab and how to log hours into the system.

  • Last, the “FAQ'S Service Hour Information” link is an information sheet with some general FAQ information that often gets asked about service hours.
Some other service opportunities to look for are Guardian Angel’s monthly events. Listen for the announcements before and after school, and through Aeries.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or call me at ext 229. Sincerely, Mr. Eric Villalpando Coordinator for Campus Ministry