Cadets of the Quarter (1st QTR)

Cadets of the Quarter:

Awarded quarterly to one cadet at each LET level who continually excels in the Army JROTC program.

One cadet from each LET level is chosen by their respective Army Instructors and later awarded a special ribbon which they can proudly display on their JROTC Class B uniform. At the end of the year, the 16 cadets who were awarded this distinguished honor will automatically receive an invitation to compete for “Cadet of the Year”. During this contest, cadets are tested on their JROTC knowledge, physical fitness, and leadership abilities. They will also go before an oral board .

One cadet from each of the two categories (Upperclassmen/lowerclassmen) will be victorious and walk away with the two-foot-tall trophy and bragging rights for the next school year as the Central Catholic High School JROTC “ Cadet of the Year”.
LET I Cadet
PV2 Ryden Calderon
PV2 Calderon is a 1st-year cadet and is already showing superior Leadership skills.
LET II Cadet
CPL Isaac Pohl
CPL Pohl is a 2nd-year cadet. His plan is to stay in JROTC for all 4 years of High School. 
1LT Lexington Megerle
1LT Megerle has been a cadet for 3 years and aspires to be the BDE Commander.
LET IV Cadet
Captain Matthew Dolotina
CPT Dolotina is a
4-year Cadet and has tremendously improved his leadership skills.