Honor Company of The First Quarter

Honor Company: Awarded quarterly to one company that displays discipline, unit cohesion, and expertise in the
following areas: Company Inspection, Drill and Ceremonies, Company Motto, Company Behavior, and The Company Commander Book. All companies are evaluated daily by their classroom Army Instructor. Designation of an HONOR COMPANY each quarter will be based on the accomplishments of the unit and individuals within the unit. The “Honor Company of the Quarter” receives a streamer for their company guidon, an honor company ribbon (each Cadet), and bragging rights until the next Quarter. The company can lose the designation for infractions throughout the year.
Awarded to: Echo Company
Year: 2022-2023
Date Awarded: 10/06/22
Company Leadership:
Commander: CPT Matthew Dolotina
XO: 2LT Nathaniel Delgado
1SG: 1SG Emerey Garza