1st Qtr Non Commissioned Officer Academy/Promotion Board

Who: CCHS Corps of Cadets 

What: 1Qtr NCO Academy/ Promotion Board

When: 26 Sep - 05 Oct 2022
Where: Central Catholic High School San Antonio, Texas

Why: To give our junior cadets an opportunity to become Sergeants by teaching them technical skills and knowledge of being a leader at Cadet at Central Catholic HS. The Academy is conducted over 5 days, Then the cadet appears before the board.
Event Coordinator: SGM (RET) Lamisa Carradine

Senior NCO Leaders:
Cadet CSM Rodrigo Colocho
Cadet CSM Diego Dominguez
Cadet CSM Addison Freedman
Cadet 1SG Alicia Calvo
Cadet 1SG Aiden Duron

Candidates: CPL David Garza, CPL Eugenio, Villagomez, CPL William Crone, CPL Gilberto Cantu, CPL Nicholas Freedman, CPL Neville Haynes, CPL Clarissa Hernandez, CPL Jozette Luna, CPL Miles Procknow, CPL Nathan Sada, CPL Octavio Martinez, CPL Roberto Rodriguez, CPL Luke Martinez, CPL Isaac Pohl, CPL Alexander Bustamante
The noncommissioned officer provides the essential link between the Army’s commanders and its men and women. To discharge this r responsibility successfully. the NCO has always found it necessary to perform several important functions simultaneously. The NCO must, first of all, be a small unit leader. whether that unit is an infantry squad moving against an enemy-held position. a maintenance section in the rear. or a clerical staff at a corps headquarters.
Successful leadership in turn demands excellence in many tasks. All NCOs must know themselves and their troops. They must be both tactically and technically proficient. They must understand mission requirements and communicate them clearly. making sound and timely decisions. They must always set a good example. And finally. they must take responsibility for unit performance.