Science Department Happenings

Our young men have been busy in their Science classes!

In Mr. Moreno’s AP Physics classes, the students were tasked to design a lab to determine the magnitude of the negative acceleration of a ball rolling to a stop. Inquiry based experiments like this challenge our students to think critically and scientifically to solve problems.

Moreno 1 Moreno 2

In Mr. Bendele’s Biology Honors classes, his students learned about determining the pH of a substance and whether or not the substance is acidic, basic, or neutral.

Bendele 1 Bendele 2

Dr. Ballesteros’ AP Chemistry class was tasked with creating VSEPR models to prepare for their upcoming exam. VSEPR stands for Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion; this theory determines the bond angles present in various molecules. These hands-on experiments and experiences provide an opportunity for students to learn visually and kinesthetically to enhance their understanding of the material covered.

Ballasteros Ballesteros 2 Ballesteros 3
