College Counselor's Corner

College & Career Center / Home

The College and Career Center is on the 3rd floor room 331 M/T 12-4pm. W/TH/F 8-noon


We are excited to have a space dedicated to assisting students and parents in academic, college, and career counseling.  Students are welcome to come work on career interest inventories, research universities, work on college applications, test prep, and scholarships. Counselors assist students in individual planning in completing personal graduation plans, academic advising, and college and career counseling. Below are some of the events already on the calendar. Mrs. Rodriguez has over 30 years of experience and is passionate about her role in assisting CC young men on their college journey. She is your CC College Coach!



College Connection Newsletter


CAFE COLLEGE: - great resource


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CURRENT SCHOLARSHIPS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

COLLEGE RESOURCES created by Marianne Rodriguez

 CC Senior Guidebook.docx- link to useful information related to college!
Junior Guidebook - link from Junior College Symposium presentation night.
Guide to College Application Success - 9th and 10th presentation night.
 “Learn about the culture of colleges across the USA through the voices of current students by watching The College Tour TV series (
summer pic
Take a look at Brown Pre- College offerings!
Take a look at what Rice University has to offer!
Great website for various summer programs!!
Summer at the University of Chicago! You can choose from Immersion,(3wk hands on) Pre-college Summer Language Institute(online), Summer College (for rising seniors), UChicago Summer Online, Research in the Biological Sciences, Stones and Bones (learn all about fossils in the Field Museum and in Wyoming)  Apply at  
Google Classroom Skyrockets With 50 Million Downloads
Counseling Google Classrooms
For each grade Level
Please Make Sure to Join the Correct Google Classroom
Seniors - Google Classroom kyz6awi
Juniors - Google Classroom cqmnswb
Sophomores - Google Classroom 6kj3vuh
Freshman - Google Classroom l5utuc7