About Guidance and Counseling

Our counselors work with freshmen, sophomore and junior classes in October to help prepare them for the PSAT/NMSQT. In addition, counselors will revisit these grade levels to discuss and review student test results at the beginning of the second semester and, at this time, work with them on their personality, career and college exploration.
Our College and Career counselor will begin meeting with seniors in the summer prior to senior year to give them their college application checklist and explain how the actual process works. The seniors are encouraged to open their files well in advance of their application deadlines. In this way, the counselors are able to process applications between Labor Day and the end of the school year. The goal is to have them ready to begin applying to colleges early in their senior year.
High school is an important time for the development of a young man. The CCHS Guidance and Counseling Department exists to help students succeed during their time with us and to help prepare them for their lives ahead. The counselors are available to meet with students regularly throughout the year and will follow them throughout their high school journey.